that epic beard attack just made my day XD
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that epic beard attack just made my day XD
wasn't bad per se
but it wasn't overly fantastic. my main problem was the seriously generic jokes that where visible from a kilometre away.
wow. . . . where to start. . .
how about this was fucking insaneo awesome!!
pretty great, but. . . . .
for the most part I really like this, your plot and animation are alright, fantastic voice actors but I really think you could have done better with the villain. this is because I judge how powerful a character should be by how awesome and/or creative they are, your guy's attacks are pretty cool and he looks a little different from the usual but the rest of him is so generic it pains me to see him paired up with these classic super heroes like that. and I'm not just talking about the ninja summoning style, I'm talking about the rooftop silence, the smug smirk, the whole general "look how awesome I am" gig. but what gets me is he is the utmost generic villain style for an ANIME of all things which to me is the last type of character to introduce into the respected Marvel universe. I hope you do better with the rest of the villains.
pretty cool buuuutttt. . . .
story line didn't seem TOO original but then again there's definitely room for more input. the animations were really good. but the main problem I have with this is that you seem to be taking the same approach that allot of cartoons take where for some reason the guards completely lack any ability to defend themselves or fight back, the main reason I think this is stupid is because they aren't normal civilians they're FIGHTING machines but by the way you portrayed them then it looks like any random guy could do they're job you know?
in short your making them into stormtroopers.
to me the characters seem too much like what you'd like to be, that is cool nerds who can also fight and the bully seems to be a total looser. now to me this is a bad thing cause it makes things too simple because nothing will ever go wrong with a character set like that and if that's the case then there's not much point to a story line like that cause you already know everything is always fine. the animations weren't particularly great either(which isn't to big of a deal), but the jokes were pretty hilarious.
not my cut of tea but I can see why everyone ells liked it.
sorry to say
to tell you the truth I thought it was pretty bad. there wasn't that much actual animation and all it seemed to be was just one little joke. plus I always fined myself hating people who can never think about what their saying and just blurt out what ever curses come to mind.
what did that thing even do to him?
Some people liked it, some not. Yeah, that shit was just for only one joke in the end. Just a fun short. ^^ It was stupid, but it must be as it is. ;D Pumpkins are bitches, demons too. Not much to say here. Hehe. Thanks for comments Keiyos. :)
Holy heck that was so incredibly animated it's unreal. I love the use of shooting though the boxes, it really added to the sense of danger. The only thing I didn't like was the main characters design, just the whole moody, expressionless thing going on really didn't work for me but that's just because I don't like to see any of that sort of stuff as being any bit easy . . . ever. that and I wasn't a big fan the actual look and style of him either but that's just personal preference. Seriously mate that's some top notch stuff you got there.
thank u dude
ok well I've just never been a fan of these weird artsy animations (I'm just guessing that's what it's suppose to be) but that's not why I gave it two stars. the reason for that is just because it was plain and simply well, sloppy. I mean there wasn't much of a background, the characters barely moved, the only real animation I saw was the eyes, and well it's not as if any thought went into the story line it was just random stuff. so all in all I just really didn't like it
Yeah, it's ok. I didn't put a lot of work in it either. So it's alright :3
way cool
did you make this concept up on your own? because I hear there was some sort of manga like it (not sure if it actually existed or not) and I have also seen it be done on the anime "full metal panic fumofu", I know it doesn't mean you had to have stolen it, but I was just wondering if any of them were in the inspiration or not.
I love the art style! because yeah although I'd seen it done before, this animation just has such a fun and attractive style that I just can't look away from, and plus with such wonderful character designs how could I. something I find interesting though is how smooth you had made the animations look when really there weren't THAT many different character frames. and well I guess I don't have to tell you to make it longer seeing as your getting enough of that so I guess . . . . . . . . awesome work!
Joined on 8/25/09